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czwartek, 11 lutego 2010

Norway - day 3

The 3rd day was the day for sightsseing.

On Sunday morning (around 9:00) we went down the main street (Karl Johans gate) to the ferry port. There was hardly anyone on the street - and I'm no surprised given the day and hour. We passed by the Parliament, the free ice rink (closed at this hour), the National Theatre. Near the pier we saw Noble Peace Center and Town Hall, but we were focused on ferries.

The trip started later than it should. The ride was slow and majestic... and very cold. The wind was really strong and cold even though you could use the ferry's blankets. It's best to wear warm clothes ot just ski clothes...
What we saw was worth the trip even though our trip was shortened by (more than) half, I suppose, as ice was too thick for the ferry. Ah yes, 3-day Oslo Pass has ferry ride included in its price.

When we reached Bygdøynes,we found out that we missed our bus so we decided to see The Maritime Museum - Norsk Maritimit Museum (the one we ditched day earlier ;)). We stayed there longer than we planned as it was more interesting that we thought it could be ;) We saw there liners' models, paintings, big anchor etc.

Next, we returned to the hotel to change our clothes and eat something. Then, we went to theHolmenkollen ski jump. We rode underground (T-bane) number 1 from Oslo S station. Hard to say it was underground really, as it was under thr ground only in Oslo, later it was a regular train. At that time T-bane rode only to Besserud, because the Holmenkollen station was been rebuilt for the ski jump championship. But, there was a shuttle bus from Besserud to Holemnkollen. We resigned from aboardin the bus when we saw the big line waiting for it, moreover with winter equipment. We decided to go by foot the remaining 1,5 km (up) to the ski jump.

Unfortunately ski jump was also rebuilded at that time. Too bad, cause we missed a view spot this way. We went to the Holmenkollen Besøkssenter (center for visitors) where there is snack bar, toilets, souvenir shop, show of previous and future (after rebuilding) ski jump models and also a poster with the history of ski jump styles. I was surprised to know that present day sty jump was invented only in 80s. Holmenkollen is all about alpine ski, but we didn't ski. The shop seller told us about the viewing spot in Frognerseteren so we went to the bus. We wanted to ride upway, but there was no place for us in the bus, so we rode down, to Besserud and boarded the bus from there. We were first in line, so that was no problem. ;)

Frognerseteren views were really amazing. We could see more but the coin-operated binoculars were frozen. :( Frognerseteren is all about cross-country skiing, which is the favourite ski style in Norway (as seen with my own eyes - tens of people with their own ski and only 3 people in that had alpine ski). We rented sledges (unfortunately they have only single person sledges) for a 100 NOK per person - you can ride till the closing time of the rental and free helmet included in price. It was fun. The snow was cold. But yummy. ;) Near the sledge route there is T-bane station (Midtstuen), which on normal conditions would get us to the top (Frognersetern) but now it just rode to Besserud. Only that we understood why so many people with winter equipement boarded the bus to the top. :P Definetely it's worth to go to Besserud for the whole day.

And then we went back to the hotel. In the morning we were going back to Poland.

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