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środa, 3 lutego 2010

Norway - day 2

We started sightseeing from taking bus no 30 from Jebanetorget (bus stop in the centre of town, near our hotel) to Bygdøynes, where there are museums located.

First, we visited Frammuseet (Fram museum), where we went on board and under board of a 19th century ship, which sailed to North and South Pole. It was really something to see. The ship was accompanied by an exhibitions, but I didn’t pay more attention to them, except daily-use things and Belgica expedition, where 2 Polish – Henryk Arctowski and Antoni Dobrowolski - took part.

Kon-Tiki museum Next was Kon-Tiki museum. We saw reed boat Ra II, balsa raft Kon Tiki, exhibition of underwater world and cave.

Viking ship museum Vikingskiphuset (Viking Ship Museum) We loved this museum. Even though there was no information about Vikings, the ships and bones were enough to look at.

Norsk Folksmuseum is a big open-air museum with Norwegian buildings and interiors. We saw only a tiny bit of it, it's definetely a full-day sightseeing. This church on the photo is Gol stavkirke (stave church from Gol) from 13th century. We also saw old toys and the exhibition of Sami culture.

During our walk in Folksmuseum my only shoes (the ones I was wearing) were destroyed. We had to quickly come back to hotel and then we went to the shopping mall Oslo City. I bought the new shoes in bianco Footwear on sale - but the price was really high for me (700 NOK) - I never bought so expensive shoes in my life. :D The shopping mall was big, and actually there was one shop with clothes etc. which was on four floors! I don't recall any such shop in Warsaw shopping malls. Well, since the electronic info was only in Norwegian, I've learned also a new word - sko means shoes. :P

Later on, we went for another evening walk, on the Prinsens gate.

Museum's sites:

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