Witajcie! Welcome!

Before you start reading, I advise you to switch to your preferred langauage - either Polish (tag: polski) or English (tag: English). You can also choose the country or city (caution: Oslo tag refers both to Polish and English languages). Enjoy. Feel free to comment and ask questions.

Zanim zaczniesz czytać, sugeruję wybranie etykiety: polski, która wyświetli wszystkie posty pisane po polsku lub etykiety kraju lub miasta (ale uwaga! etykieta Oslo zawiera w sobie posty i po polsku i po angielsku). Miłego czytania i zachęcam do komentowania i zadawania pytań.

wtorek, 4 czerwca 2013

Indonesia, day 4 part 1

The next day I spent on shopping. For those who are not interested in shopping, there are some photos of Mangga Dua Raya street in Jakarta. Photos are showing: malls, entrances to markets, mobile food stands, bus stops, railroad, buildings that I took liking in and my hotel.

Usually people are walking on the left side. Usually. ;)


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